Firewise Landscaping
In an urban environment, homes are often close together and share defensible spaces with neighboring structures. A combination of Firewise construction and landscaping can help homes withstand windblown embers, minimize the likelihood of flames or surface fire touching the home or any attachments, and reduce the chance of fire spreading. The primary goal for Firewise landscaping is reducing fuel by limiting the flammable vegetation and materials surrounding the home and increasing the moisture content of remaining vegetation. The ‘home ignition zone’ is split up into three different areas. Source 1, 2, 3
Learn More
Home Ignition Zones

Rebuild With A Waterwise Garden
Resource Central is partnering with Community Foundation Boulder County to offer perennial, waterwise Garden In A Box kits to any fire-affected homes that were damaged or destroyed in the 2021 Marshall Fire in an effort to assist in the rebuild effort. Qualifying homes will be eligible to receive up to two 100 square foot gardens for free as well as access to volunteer planting help as needed. We are hoping this partnership assists our community in rebuilding “home”, which includes your yard!
TO GET STARTED fill out the online interest form linked below.
Please note, your property must be listed as damaged or destroyed to qualify.
– Any homes deemed “damaged” or “destroyed” by Marshall Fire are eligible. This designation will be verified after your application is submitted via the official Damage Assessment Map.
– Eligible for up to two qualifying Garden In A Box kits free of cost.
– Gardens are offered on a first come, first served basis each season to those who apply and qualify.
How It Works
After your interest form is received, reviewed and approved, you will be notified within two weeks with instructions on how to claim thie discount through the online garden store. Please do not place orders without first being approved or you will not receive the full discount! If approved, you are eligible to receive up to two gardens from the selections below.
What Is Garden In A Box?
– A waterwise garden alternative to turf grass. Learn more here.
– DIY garden kit comes with starter plants, plant-by-number maps and plant care information
– Resource Central gardens are available to claim in either: March for pick up in the Spring (May & June) or June for pick up in the fall (August & September)
This program will continue past 2023 and eligibility does not expire until used!
The Gardens

100 sq ft | Full Sun

100 sq ft | Full Sun

100 sq ft | Part Shade
Eager To Start Planning a New Garden?
Check out these resources…
Free Landscaping Seminars | Waterwise Yards Inspo | More Gardening Resources
Post-Fire Recovery Webinar from the Boulder County Extension of Colorado State University
CSU Post Fire Recovery of the Home Landscape Questions and AnswersGuidelines For Safe Gardening from Boulder County Public Health
Boulder County Public Health (BCPH) recommends residents whose properties have been affected by the Marshall fire take extra steps to stay healthy when gardening this spring and has created a flowchart to help assess potential risk. Smoke, ash and soot from urban fires, like the Marshall fire, that burned structures, vehicles, everyday household products, plastic, rubber and automotive components can produce unhealthy particles and harmful contaminants, such as heavy metals, which can settle in soil and create unsafe conditions for gardens. “The intense heat from urban fires reduces the number of micro-organisms in soil and negatively affects organic matter and nutrients. In addition, ash can make soils more alkaline over time,” said Joe Malinowski, Environmental Health Division Manager. “This damage causes temporary changes in your soil’s ability to flourish in your garden and to grow edible fruits and vegetables that are safe to eat. Getting your soil tested before gardening is the best way to determine its condition.” If there is ash on your property as the result of a burning structure, or if you have a thick layer of ash because you were close to the fire, there may be hazardous chemicals that require special handling. In this circumstance, BCPH recommends working with an environmental restoration service to remediate the property safely. Removing a significant amount of soil may require water misting to suppress dust and contaminated soil must be disposed of at an approved site. If you have soil or lawn clippings that may be contaminated with ash in your garden or lawn, BCPH recommends the following steps to mitigate any potential health hazards safely:
- Wear an N95 mask and gloves when moving or disturbing soil that may contain ash or soot. Anyone with respiratory illnesses is advised to talk with their healthcare provider about what they can do to stay safe and whether they should wear an N95 mask.
- Use a shovel or hoe to scrape and collect surface soil.
- Try to minimize the amount of soil and dirt that is dispersed in the air.
- Dispose of soil and lawn clippings via your regular trash disposal.
- Take off your shoes before going inside and immediately remove and wash clothes in a washing machine.
- Wash your body thoroughly.
Sustainable Landscape Templates
Northern Water has released six new Sustainable Landscape Templates designed for the neighborhoods impacted by the Marshall Fire, prioritizing fire-smart, water-wise, and pollinator-friendly design principles. They include full front and backyard landscape plans, irrigation plans, cost opinions, plant lists, water saving estimates, construction details, a supplemental guide and more.
The templates were designed in partnership with Norris Design, fire survivors, community leaders and municipal stakeholders. Collaborators helped ensure the templates are thoroughly evaluated and user-friendly.
Access the TemplatesMore Information
Common questions about air, water and soil quality, visit:
Marshall fire, visit:
For questions, email: