Heating & Cooling
Hot Water Heating
Levels of Home Performance Certification
For an updated look at certifications and incentives for high-performance homes please visit the link below. It is arranged by building certification type, increasing performance, comfort, and efficiency from left to right
EEBC and EnergySmart’s Marshall Fire Home Performance Comparison
Other Materials
- Make sure any smart home technology can be replaced without requiring a renovation
- When choosing appliances look for ENERGYSTAR certification to ensure you are getting an energy efficient option! You can utilize the ENERGYSTAR product finder when browsing appliances, https://www.energystar.gov/productfinder/
- Consider installing energy efficient window coverings, like insulated cellular shades, with your windows to allow for maximum thermal performance. Learn more here:
Rebuilding Better Workshop #2: Materials and Equipment for a Resilient Rebuild
Benefits of Energy Efficient New Construction
Building Electrification Basics